Hosted Telephony or PBX…?

Hosted Telephony 
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Start modernising your phone system today #cloud #hostedtelephony #horizon

In the 1990’s the ability to make an internal call without using an external line revolutionised business communication; henceforth PBX took offices by storm. Moving into the 21st century communication is now centred around a hosted system. Therefore, if your work place is still relying on the traditional lines of communication it may now be worth looking at an upgrade. Horizon Hosted Telephony could therefore be ideal for your business.

Hosted Telephony

Unlike PBX, which incurs a maintenance and upgrade cost, a hosted system is based within the cloud; meaning all software and upgrades are done remotely. Switching to a hosted system means that calls are made and received over a broadband connection. Resulting in users being able to access the system through a standard Horizon IP handset.

Benefits of a Hosted Phone System

  • You’re in control –
    • Even across multiple sites you can stay connected
    • Update, divert and manage your calls at the push of a button; meaning you never miss an opportunity; be it for business growth or customer retention.
  • Reduced monthly spend
    • The removal of the PBX maintenance charges
    • Free calls between between your office/sites
    • No up front hardware fee
  • Competency –
    • Great voice quality: 89% of businesses believe outstanding customer service will be your biggest competition, in other words make sure you’re heard!
    • Easily adaptable, therefore enables a higher level of productivity.
    • Business continuity = high levels of professionalism.
    • Working flexibility – 75% of employees stated that working flexibility was their top benefit!

See what Horizon plan works best for you:

Upgrade your business phone system today. Contact our Business Development team on 01438 355 355 or email

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