Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Simply email your account manager or call 01438 355 355 and go through to the sales department.

Please send us an email stating which services you wish to cancel

You can see all service charges on your monthly invoice that is sent to you or go via our website and click on ‘View my Bill’ If you don’t have login details please give us a call or speak with your account manager to get set up.

No, unfortunately we are a business-only company.

Business Phone System Questions

You can find a variety of user guides on our website If you are having trouble finding the one you need please give us a call on 01438 355355

Please reboot the router that your phones are connected through and if this doesn’t resolve the issue then please raise a ticket with our support team

Yes, please raise a support ticket to with the number you wish to divert and the number you wish to divert it to.

A hosted phone system uses IP (Internet Protocol) and is based within the cloud. Meaning your phone is not based at your place of work, it is directed to you through an internet connection. Calls then reach your office through a handset linked to the internet.

The short of it is YES! Number portability is the term you will hear when discussing the transfer of your current phone number. In most cases a number port is possible unless you are moving to an alternate geographical location.

Not to worry we have you covered! A built in DR (Disaster Reliability) plan can be put in place. This is a free service provided to ensure no calls or business communication is missed. Divert easily to a mobile or alternate line. In some cases some manual intervention will need to happen but ensuring a DR in active will ease your internet loss worries.

You will not see the overall saving instantly but over the years hosting your own system can save you a fair amount of money. The initial layout spent will show in savings years later as there is no ongoing monthly licencing fee.

An on-premise phone system means you host your own system from a server on your site. You will need to have racking space and ensure your server is in a secure, ventilated room.

Wi-Fi Questions

In some cases, this can be a very easy fix. Firstly try deleting the network from your device and reconnecting. If this doesn’t work we recommend you reboot your Wi-Fi router. If you are still unable to connect to your Wi-Fi network please call us on 01438 355 355 and go through to technical; we will then endeavour to resolve the issue for you.

If you are experiencing a slow connection try rebooting your router or modem. This will reset the connection. If this does not work you may have a signal fault on your cable line or a device that is saturating the connection. If you are unsure and need support please call 01438 355 355 and go through to technical.

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